Accreditations with barcodes

Bikubo is the solution to massively generate and send accreditations with barcodes by email to the attendees of your event. Add a barcode to your accreditation, and the fields that you need to show on it (name, company, position,…), upload an excel file, and we automatically generate and send the accreditations. On the day of the event, perform the validations with our app, and we will show you the attendance reports.

Accreditations with barcodes for events

The accreditations with barcodes have a control system that is validated only with the free Bikubo app available on Android and iOS.

The barcode consists of an image composed of a series of vertical lines (bars). Subsequently, they are read by the appropriate scanning device (barcode reader) offering information on the accreditation to which it is associated. In this way, the barcode makes it possible to quickly recognize an accreditation in a unique way.

With our platform you can create barcode accreditations for events and congresses. In a totally personalized way, with the dimensions you need, so that you can then print it in any format: PVC, laminated, removable bags, lanyards, bracelets…

Starting from a base image that you upload to the platform, you can dynamically add texts and a barcode, in the location and dimensions that you consider necessary. In accreditation, you can customize each element in a unique way: adjust the size, typography, alignment and font color of each text. size, typography, alignment, font color of each accreditation text…

Once you have designed the accreditation at your convenience with our tool, you can upload an excel file. Subsequently, a ready single pdf file is automatically generated as output that you can download. Or individualized pdfs that are automatically emailed to each attendee.

Scanning accreditations with barcodes


With the use of our validator app, available on iOS and Android, you must read each accreditation with barcode to validate access. Simply with a mobile or a tablet, or by means of a barcode reader gun that you can associate to the mobile or tablet. Afterwards, the information associated with the accreditation is displayed in the app, presenting the result of the validation (whether or not it has been previously validated).

After the event, you can download from the intranet, a report with the validations carried out, and the date and time of validation.


  • You can indicate for each barcode accreditation the text to contain in the barcode, which allows integration with other access control platforms.
  • Personalization of the mass mail that is sent to each attendee, attaching the accreditation with barcode.
  • Validation of control access through mobile phones or tablets, with our app, available on Android and iOS, which allows you to read the accreditation with barcode.
  • You have a search form for attendees, with different options to perform on each one.
  • If you need attendee registration forms, with or without means of payment, ask us and we will integrate them for you.

Bikubo accreditations with barcodes prices

To increase the balance of electronic accreditations, the price you would have to pay in bikubo would be based on the number of barcode accreditations you wish to increase. The prices are those shown on the web rates.

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