Wiederverkauf von Tickets

Ticket resale and how to control it

From bikubo we offer the most effective technological solution to control the ticket resale in events. In this way, we avoid the resale of tickets in general, although we guarantee the necessary flexibility that the system may require to allow resale in the cases that the organizer of the event deems appropriate.

Problems generated by ticket resale

The resale of tickets is a topical issue that concerns musical groups, event organizers, theaters, online ticket sales platforms and various similar organizations. Continuous problems are reproduced with the resale of tickets, so that they are sold out immediately after being put on sale on some platforms. To then be put up for sale through parallel platforms.

The problems generated by the resale of tickets are well known, but we cite, among others, the following:

  • People who are genuinely interested in attending the event see how the price they must pay for it increases.
  • The organizers of the event, the interpreters or the artists, do not benefit from the price increase that occurs either. In addition, they can see a disagreement between them and their followers.
  • In the resale, fraud occurs in most cases, by not issuing a valid ticket or by transmitting a duplicate ticket. Being able to give the situation in this way: if there are several people with the same locator, only the first one to pass the control system can attend; or, if the control system is not correct, an overflow may occur.

Sometimes it may be convenient to allow the tickets resale

We assume that the tickets are the private property of the event organizers. They should be the ones who decide whether to allow or prohibit resale, and under what conditions.

For example, the situation may arise in which a person who was going to attend an event, has an impediment and finally cannot attend. Being able, thus, to leave without use the entrance that owns, and making a bad investment of the money in its acquisition.

Bikubo is your solution to avoid ticket resale!

We tell you:

1. Register on our website.

2. Next, when registering an event, you can indicate that for the distribution of the tickets associated with each of the event tickets. If it is necessary to collect the name and/or ID of each attendee.

3. Then, you would have to upload the design of your ticket, and add the QR code or Barcode to it.

Steps to avoid ticket reselling

4. At the time of distribution to each attendee of the printed tickets, the distributor must scan the QR of each ticket with the bikubo app (entering as a distributor) and it shows a web page that contains a form where the attendee’s data can be entered. It is a quick process.

5. When the electronic tickets are distributed, that is, when the electronic ticket is sent by email, or collected through a form, it will be necessary to enter the name/ID of the attendee.

  • All this data collected is shown directly on the screen of the list of attendees on the intranet of the event organizer.
  • At the time of validation at the door, in the bikubo app (more information), for the validation of each ticket, the data collected from name/ID, and the name of the associated ticket (VIP, normal, door A,. ..), data that can be checked if they correspond to the wizard.

Having already exposed how we avoid tickets resale, we indicate below the flexibility of the system, by allowing the change of ownership of the event attendee. There are two ways to change the name and/or ID of the attendee:

  • In the list of attendees, the administrator can modify it manually: With the search engine. Find the ticket data to be easily modified, changing them at your convenience.
  • The attendee himself: can modify the name and/or ID of the attendee associated with the ticket, after the status has previously been modified as REASSIGNABLE by the administrator.

– After each distribution (of a printed ticket or an electronic one), the ticket remains NON-RESIGNABLE.

– However, from the list of attendees screen, the administrator can manually modify it and set it as REASSIGNABLE.

– With the search engine: find the ticket data to be easily modified by changing them at your convenience. Then it is the assistant himself who scans the QR of each ticket with the bikubo app (entering as a distributor) and shows him the form where he can enter the new assistant data.

10 free e-tickets are available for you to test our service. If you have questions about the process, contact us!

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