Numbered tickets

At the time of creating the numbered tickets, if you make them all the same, you will not be able to make any distinction between the attendees. Adding a numbering or assigning a specific location to each entry allows you to make each entry unique. And with it, perform a default function that you want for each attendee.

Advantages of numbered tickets

Individualizing each input allows you to perform the following functions:

  • You can distribute the numbered tickets among your points of sale. Allowing you to write down the numbers of the tickets that you are distributing. In such a way that, at the time of ticket deliveries, you can collect the matrix, and control how many attendees come from each distributor.
  • According to the numbering of the tickets, you can validate the access to your event. If, for example, the tickets that go from 101 to 200 have been lost by your distributor due to carelessness, accident or theft, the people who attend your event with those tickets can be denied access.
  • If a distributor tells you that he has lost a series of tickets, having their numbering, after collecting the numbered matrix at the event control, you can check the numbers. And check if you really lost the tickets, or the dealer sold them.
  • The numbering of the tickets allows you to distribute the attendees of your event by zones. For example, you can place the ones with the input from 1 to 150 in one area, those from 151 to 300 in another, and so on.
  • You can also create numbered tickets indicating the area, row and seat. In such a way that you physically place each attendee of your event in previously determined places. In this way you can place them as an organizer at your convenience, or the attendees themselves are the ones who choose where and with whom to situate themselves.


Bikubo numbered tickets



Numbered tickets with bikubo

Bikubo allows you to create numbered tickets, with single or double numbering, or generate tickets with a specific row and seat. They provide you with all the advantages indicated above, and, in addition, you can add a control system such as a QR or bar code. It will allow it to be read by our app. So that you control access to your event, avoiding counterfeiting and double access. In addition, it will generate access statistics by dates, types of tickets, distributors… and a list of attendees.

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