Ticket design

The importance of ticket design

The ticket is the element available to the attendee, to prove that he is authorized to access an event. Is important because it can serve to provide information to the attendee about the event that is going to take place, and because it is also one more element of the marketing of your event. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the correct design of the entrance.

Information that you can show in the ticket design:

Relevant data

The relevant data associated with the celebration of your event, so that the attendee has the data easily available for access. These data include: date, place and time of the event.

The basic data of the organizer. Consist of including an image with the organizer’s logo, or its name.

It may also display direct contact information or a web page that references possible updates to information relevant to your event.

It includes in the entry design the data associated with the type of access. You can have tickets for different attendee categories (Early Bird, VIP, General…), or tickets that indicate access through a certain door, or that are associated with a certain seat (usually row and seat).

With the advancement of technologies, it is highly advisable to include a control element in the design of the entrance that makes it unfalsifiable, avoiding fraud problems. It can consist of a simple numbering, in the allocation as indicated before of a single seat within the event, and also a unique barcode or QR for each ticket issued.


In the design of the entrance, creativity plays an important role regarding the images, colors and typography that appear in it. This creativity can be used to later share the event on social networks, and to relate the ticket to the signage that will help promote the event. Depending on the type of event, one type of image or another would be shown, so for example for a concert it is normal for the image of the group or artist to appear, or for a football match, it would be normal to show the shields of the equipment. The font to be used must be legible and with an adequate size.

Ticket design


In the design of the entrance, it can be used to include an element that serves to control sales. So that the organizer of the event has instant information on how they are going in terms of the number of tickets sold. Especially at the point of sale, so that he can make decisions on how to approach the marketing of the event. For this, a double numbering is usually included. Enabling an array that stays with the dealer, and the attendee receives input. With bikubo, the same QR or barcode is used to avoid counterfeiting and control total sales and by point of sale.


Do not forget to include the legal conditions in the design of the entry. Since this way you will avoid problems in controlling access to your event, and during its celebration. For example, if your event does not allow entry to those under 18 years of age, you should reflect this in the ticket design.


If you have one or more sponsors of your event, they should also appear in your ticket design. With the relevant logos, or simply in the form of a list of names of sponsoring companies.

Never forget that the back of the entrance can also be used. On many occasions, the legal conditions are printed on it, or the list of sponsors.

Ticket design prices

Finally, you must include in the design of the ticket, the price of it. We have already indicated that there may be different categories of tickets. Being able to have each of the tickets, a different price that must be reflected in it.

Ticket design with bikubo

From this information that we have indicated that can appear in the design of the entrance of your event, choose the one that best suits it. Logically, an event for adults does not have to have the same creativity and information as a children’s event, or a corporate event as a concert.

Whatever the design of the entrance to your event you choose, we remind you that with bikubo you can include security elements (QR or bar codes). Which allow you to use your own input layout. In addition, it makes them unfalsifiable and allows you to have statistical control of sales.

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