In this section we want to help you give the first steps showing several keys keys to getting started in bikubo, as well as resolving any doubts that may arise. Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers that may help you learn more about us. Shall we begin?

Summary keys

Bikubo is a platform designed for the management and validation of tickets and electronic accreditations. Its system offers a secure and efficient solution for organizing events, facilitating the distribution, control and personalization of tickets. Below are the keys to getting started in bikubo:

  1. Record: It is free and includes an initial balance of 10 tickets and accreditations to test the platform. It is necessary to confirm the email to access all features.
  2. After registration: There is no limit on the number of events to manage. Tickets and accreditations can be customized, deleted or archived to retain statistics.
  3. Tickets/electronic accreditations: They can be generated in PDF with QR codes, uploaded from an Excel file or distributed individually. It is also possible to assign tickets to distributors or request their printing.
  4. Ticket/accreditation validation: Verification is carried out using mobile devices in real time, even without an internet connection. Multiple accesses can be set and validation signals customized.
  5. General issues: Bikubo guarantees security against fraud, offers real-time statistics and allows adjustments to ticket sales without the need for reprinting. Its system is compatible with QR codes and barcodes, with QR codes being recommended for their speed.

Bikubo is a versatile tool that optimizes event management, providing full control over access and ticket distribution. These keys to getting started in Bikubo will give you a more general view of the company and its functions.

Keys to get started in Bikubo

1. Keys to get started in bikubo: Registration

To start using Bikubo, you need to register on the platform. Registration is completely free and includes an initial balance of 10 tickets and 10 electronic credentials so you can test the system. Once registered, you will have full access to all tools and features. Allowing you to manage events, design tickets and control access in a simple and secure way. In addition, it is essential to confirm your email, since you will receive relevant information about the use of the platform.

Is registration free? 

Yes, and with registration we assign you a balance of 10 electronic tickets and 10 electronic accreditations so that you can try our services and start managing your tickets online. You can buy more tickets and electronic accreditations to increase the available balance of both.

Is registration necessary to access and learn about the services in depth?

Yes, once you register you can access all our services automatically. In addition, it is necessary to confirm the user’s registration email, since it is necessary to send emails to the email, for different options to be carried out.

2. Keys to get started in bikubo: After registration

Once you have completed registration on Bikubo, you will be able to manage multiple events without limits and customize your tickets and accreditations according to your needs. The platform allows you to create different categories of tickets, design them intuitively and cancel them if necessary. Additionally, you can archive events to maintain a history of statistics and reports. Thanks to its simple interface, managing your tickets and accreditations will be an agile and efficient process.

How many events can I manage simultaneously?

At bikubo we do not establish an event limit, so you can have the number of events you need simultaneously.

Can I have different ticket/accreditation designs for the same event?

Yes. You can register different categories of tickets/accreditations for the same event, and from each category, generate the number of tickets/accreditations you need according to the balance you have. It is useful to differentiate, for example, VIP tickets, stays, or schedules.

Is it complicated to prepare the design of tickets or accreditations?

No. The interface is friendly and more or less intuitive. You indicate the name of the category, the dimensions, and upload the background image, and place on it with our tool, the variable elements to print for each ticket/accreditation: QR, barcode, numbering, or variable texts for accreditations.

Can I delete an event?

Yeah. You can delete an event and all its tickets and accreditations will be deleted, and those of the distributors will also be disabled, if applicable. A deleted event CANNOT be used later by the user, although we give you the option to archive the event so you can continue viewing the statistics and reports.

Can I delete a ticket/accreditation category?

Yeah. In this way you also cancel the distributors’ tickets if applicable. A deleted ticket/accreditation category CANNOT be used later by the user.

Can tickets/accreditations be cancelled?

Yes. The system allows you to cancel a specific ticket/accreditation, preventing access to the event with it. At the time of accessing and validating, the CANCELED notice will appear.

Keys to get started in bikubo: a party entry as a tutorial

3. Keys to getting started in bikubo: Electronic tickets/accreditations

Bikubo offers various ways to generate and distribute electronic tickets and badges. You can automatically create them in PDF with unique QR codes, upload an Excel file with attendee data or send them individually from the platform. It is also possible to assign tickets to distributors for sale or request their printing.

The system allows efficient control of the sale and validation of tickets. Preventing resale and guaranteeing access security. In addition, tickets can be used in both digital and printed formats, optimizing event management.

How can I generate tickets/accreditations with bikubo?

There are several ways to generate tickets/accreditations:

  • You can indicate the number of tickets to generate, and in a few minutes you will have the PDF with the tickets with a different QR available for download.
  • You can upload an Excel file with the data of the tickets/accreditations to be generated, or even send by email directly to the attendee.
  • You can send one by one from the intranet as an administrator, both tickets and accreditations to each attendee, or assign tickets to distributors so that they can send them one by one to the attendees.
  • Finally, you can ask us to print a certain number of tickets.

How can you control the sale of printed tickets?

Printed tickets can be scanned with our app by accessing as a distributor, without the need for a password. Once a ticket is scanned, the sales confirmation process is activated.

How can you control the sale of electronic tickets, which are not printed and are distributed entirely online?

In this case, every time a distributor or administrator sends the ticket to the assistant by email, it is registered as sold.

Is there a system to prevent ticket resale?

Yeah. The tickets, after being scanned by the distributor, are shown a form where the name and surname, and/or ID, can be saved, assigning them to a specific person. At the time of validation at the door with the bikubo app, This information associated with the ticket is shown to you. Therefore, if a ticket has previously been saved with some data, the validator can check if the assistant corresponds to the ticket data. The event administrator can enable ticket resale if he considers it necessary from the attendee listing module on the intranet.

What can I do if a group or series of tickets have to be cancelled?

If you know the numerical series of tickets that must be cancelled, simply enter the initial number of the series and the end in the ticket cancellation/activation module of the intranet, and at the time of validation at the door a notice that the ticket is CANCELED will be displayed. You can activate them later if you see it necessary.

Can I distribute tickets/accreditations with QR/barcode/locator without printing them?

Yeah. It has a platform to distribute tickets among a large number of PRs. and assign them the number of electronic tickets for direct sale (sending by email). The administrator himself can also send tickets/accreditations to the attendees one by one, or by uploading an Excel file with the ticket data and the attendees’ emails.

Can electronic tickets/accreditations be printed?

Yes. They can be used for validation printed or presented on a mobile device. In any case each entry can only be validated once.

What is the cost of using electronic tickets/accreditations?

Much lower than printing physical tickets. Check our tariffs.

4. Keys to getting started in bikubo: Validation of tickets/accreditations

Bikubo allows efficient access control by validating tickets and accreditations with QR codes or barcodes. Validation can be carried out in real time from mobile devices, even without an internet connection, thanks to the option to pre-download data.

The system offers security against fraud, avoiding duplicate use of tickets and allowing the assignment of tickets to specific people. In addition, it is possible to manage multiple accesses, establish different validation points and customize visual and sound signals to confirm the authenticity of the tickets.

How can I control the capacity with tickets/accreditations with QR or barcode?

The system allows you to know the number of tickets/accreditations that have been validated at the door in real time. It is also multi-device, so that several people can validate and view the information simultaneously. Knowing capacity data and validated tickets/accreditations.

What happens if the tickets/accreditations are not validated in access control?

The tickets/accreditations can be used as a numbered entry and not validated at access, but their authenticity cannot be verified, or if there has been any fraud, nor will validation statistics be available.

If there is low or no internet coverage, can the tickets/accreditations be validated?

Yes. The bikubo app has a ticket download system (for this moment it is necessary to have an internet connection), and when the tickets have already been downloaded, the validator is located in the validation area supposedly with little/no internet coverage, and can select the option to validate against the internal database (with the downloaded tickets/accreditations).

What happens if for some reason the electronic tickets or physical tickets with QR cannot be validated?

It is a very remote possibility, due to the robustness of the system, and because it also allows validation without the need for an internet connection. In this case there is the possibility of using the alphanumeric locator. To do this, a list of all locators will be available at the event’s access control. With this list you can confirm the authenticity of the electronic tickets/accreditations if necessary.

Can this system be used to control tickets/clearance for multiple entries and exits?

Yes. In this case, it is advisable to contact so that we can adapt the validations to this required control system.

What is the way to indicate correct and incorrect validation?

It is parameterizable. Color, sound and time can be set according to the needs of the event. The process can be simplified as much as necessary to speed up response time. For modifications, contact so that we adapt the validations to this required control system.

Can there be more than one person validating tickets at the access?

Yes. Simply log in with the username and password of the associated app. If you change the password from the intranet administration panel, users logged into the app will not be able to continue operating, serving as a control for the validators. For this reason, if you change validators, it is advisable to change the password beforehand.

Can anyone who has the validation app scan your tickets/accreditations?

No, each user will only validate the events associated with it, not those of other users.

Can different doors or access controls be established?

Yes, access can be controlled in different areas that are not visible to each other, with total security guarantee.

What happens if someone damages the QR/barcode and it cannot be validated?

You can use the alphanumeric locator. In any case, the owner of the physical or electronic tickets must maintain their integrity at all times.

Keys to get started in Bikubo

5. Keys to getting started in Bikubo: General issues

Bikubo is an advanced technological solution for the management and validation of tickets and electronic accreditations. Unlike traditional methods, it offers greater security against fraud, facilitates the distribution of tickets and provides real-time statistics.

Electronic tickets allow price changes without the need to reprint and their validation is agile and effective using mobile devices. In addition, the system is compatible with QR and barcodes, the use of QR is recommended due to its speed and ease of scanning. Bikubo does not organize events, but rather provides the necessary technology to optimize their management.

Why are tickets with bikubo better?

The disadvantages of traditional tickets compared to bikubo tickets are:

  • Normal numbered printed tickets do not provide any controls against fraud. They can make fakes and make your event a real disaster.
  • You do not have statistical sales information.
  • The traditional cancellation of tickets is usually by memorizing or manually noting the ticket numbers, which makes the control process difficult or ineffective.
  • The distribution of tickets to your distributors becomes complex and requires a lot of time and complicated control.
  • The increase in the number of tickets to distribute forces you to depend on printing, with the consequent increase in expenses and delays in time.
  • You do not have a dynamic capacity control tool.

How long does it take to distribute e-tickets to PRs?

The time to make a couple of clicks.

Is Bikubo an event planning company?

No. bikubo does not participate in the organization of any event, nor is it responsible for any circumstance associated with it. bikubo only provides a technological access control service, but the event organization has the last word.

Is it possible to change the price of the sale of electronic tickets/accreditations?

Yes. If you have set the price at the entrance and want to increase the price, in traditional systems you should reprint and redistribute. With bikubo, all you have to do is upload a new type of ticket with the new price, and you reassign the electronic tickets.

Are electronic tickets/badges a secure method of access control?

Yeah. Electronic tickets are used daily by multiple platforms (RENFE, Hotels,…), and in our case they represent a practically zero probability of duplication.

What is the data consumption of the process?

It’s very small. It will never be a problem, and if you prefer you can use the validation system against an internal database (offline).

What option does bikubo recommend as a control element: QR or barcode?

We clearly recommend the use of QR codes because it makes it easier for distributors to scan, and thus obtain statistics, and because it allows for faster reading.

Are special readers needed to use the bikubo system?

No, you can use mobile devices (tablets or phones) with the Android or iOS operating system. However, our app allows you to pair QR/barcode scanners via Bluetooth for Android devices, in case you need to work in low-light environments, or prefer faster scanning.

Bikubo event management software

We hope these keys to getting started with bikubo have been useful to resolve your initial doubts about Bikubo and help you take your first steps with our platform. Our goal is to offer you an efficient, secure and simple solution for the management and validation of tickets and electronic accreditations.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via email We will be happy to help you get the most out of our services.

Welcome to Bikubo!